Although co-sponsored by the University of Iowa and Kirkwood Community College, the majority of MRP's funding is provided through donations. Many schools and organizations have adopted one of our permanently disabled raptors as a means of supporting our important work. For a minimum donation of $100 annually an individual or an organization can adopt a hawk, owl, eagle, falcon, or vulture. In return, the group receives an educational presentation featuring two of our raptors (one being the adopted bird, if it can travel) or a tour of our facility. They also receive a framed photo of the adopted bird and a certificate of appreciation. In order to express our gratitude, your group will be mentioned in our current "Adopt-a-Raptor" brochure.

For more information about an adoption call (319) 398-5495.

Rough-legged hawk (Buteo lagopus)

Tundra is a female, light-phased rough-legged hawk (RLHA) that came to MRP in November of 1990.  An amputee whose right wing was injured beyond repair and removed, she now resides at our outdoor facility and occasionally accompanies us on traveling programs.

Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)

Spirit is an adult female Bald eagle (BAEA) that has spent most her life at MRP going through her plumage changes from juvenile to adult while in our care. She arrived from the Minnesota Raptor Center in 1989 after having her left wing tip removed due to dislocation. 


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