You can share in the rewards of this important rehabilitation and education work by becoming a member of the Macbride Raptor Project. MRP is a nonprofit, self-supporting organization relying heavily on annual donations and adoptions from the public doing what they can to help. Our newsletter will bring you information and stories on raptors and news of our activities twice each year. Each contribution makes a great difference.


Member $ 10 - 24
Supporting Member $ 25 - 49
Sustaining Member $ 50 - 99
Sponsor $100 - 499
Patron $500 and Up

Macbride Raptor Project
Washington Hall
Kirkwood Community College
6301 Kirkwood Blvd. SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52406  USA

Please make your check or money order payable to Macbride Raptor Project and mail it to:


Some other ways you can support the efforts of Macbride Raptor Project involves the purchase of fantastic items created to help us in our fundraising.



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